Protac SenSit® Straight

Sensory-stimulating chair
Protac SenSit® Straight is a sensory-stimulating chair that contains 5 cm balls in the back and on one side of the seat cushion. If the user does not want sensory stimulation from the seat, the cushion can be turned so that the user can sit on cold cured foam instead. The bottom of the chair has a foam core, which means that the chair is firm and has an ideal height for individuals who find it difficult to sit down and stand up on their own. In addition, the backrest is straight, so one can sit in a more upright position, like an ordinary recliner.


How to use Protac SenSit®

Product presentation


63-year-old woman with Huntington Chorea disease

Our resident who has Huntington's Chorea says that she has constantly had an inner turmoil for several years. From a sensory perspective, this is also about her muscle fibers constantly contracting, and that the disease also causes perception disorders, amongst others in the perception of interoceptive sensation. This means that she is constantly on guard and feels tense. The motor restlessness therefore influences the mental restlessness. We experience that she feels secure when she feels that she is being positioned with supports surrounding her body and being proprioceptively stimulated. She therefore enjoys the Protac SenSit® ball chair. The woman uses the chair if she needs to have quiet time or participate in a conversation. The woman is very conscious of when she needs the stimuli that the chair can provide. Furthermore, she sleeps with the Protac Ball Blanket® at night. She explains that it gives her peace and that she relaxes as a result. She experiences an increased energy capacity after experiencing sensory integration strategies embedded in her everyday life, and a more positive affective state.

68-year-old woman with Alzheimer's disease

The woman lives in a residential care facility for people with dementia. Her everyday life is characterized by constant physical restlessness and wandering in the corridors as well as severe mental unrest and a pronounced collecting mania. She cannot remain sufficiently calm to concentrate on individual sensory inputs in activities such as eating and exercising. When using the Protac SenSit® Straight ball chair , she is comfortable changing position from standing to sitting, due to the height and firmness of the chair’s edge. The upright position allows her to have a sense of security and control. She is better able to relax and find peace. She can independently get in and out of the chair. Subsequently, she can remain sufficiently calm to remain focused in activities, for example eating a meal without wandering around. The chair has a really good effect on her physiclal and mental restlessness.



Betrækket til Protac SenSit® Straight kan vaskes. Interval og behov for vask af betrækket afhænger af anvendelse og brug. Ved vask og renholdelse af stol følges nedenstående anvisning.

· Yderstoffet kan vaskes i en alm. vaskemaskine – min. 7 kg, med vaskemiddel uden blegemiddel - se i øvrigt vaskeanvisning i betrækket.

· Sædebetrækket med plastkugler og inkontinensbetrækket kan tages af og vaskes separat med vaskemiddel uden blegemiddel – se i øvrigt vaskeanvisning i betrækket.

· Alle inderposer med plastkugler kan vaskes i de medfølgende vaskeposer i alm. vaskemaskine min. 7 kg, med vaskemiddel uden blegemiddel - se i øvrigt vaskeanvisning i vingerne.

· Betrækket til rygpuden kan vaskes – se i øvrigt vaskeanvisning i rygpuden. Ved fjernelse af pletter, hvor der tænkes anvendt pletfjerningsmiddel, forsøg da først på et sted, som ikke er synligt (stolens bund), for at se om stoffet vil tage skade, eller farve vil blive påvirket. Protac anbefaler ikke brug af pletfjerningsmidler. Protac tager forbehold vedr. erstatning ved forkert håndtering ift. vask og vedligehold.

· Alle inderposer med polystyrenkugler må ikke vaskes


Kontroller stolen, hver gang den anvendes, for fejl og mangler. Gennemgå én gang årligt stolens syninger, lynlåse, stof, håndtag, kugler og generelle tilstand. Hvis man bliver opmærksom på fejl og mangler, skal Protac SenSit® Straight tages ud af brug, indtil fejlene er udbedret og sikkerheden genoprettet.
Protac SenSit® Straight kan aftørres med en klud, hårdt opvredet i varmt sæbevand. Kan afsprittes.


600-651-3820-30 84919 Oxford 100% polyester (Flame retardent) Normally 10 business days
600-651-3820-40 84919 Oxford 100% polyester (Flame retardent) Normally 10 business days
600-651-3820-41 84919 Oxford 100% polyester (Flame retardent) Normally 10 business days
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